Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The one about: Factoids

I had a good idea earlier in the day about something else I can make a long rant about. But instead I decided to just throw out a list of things that piss me off because I don't feel like writing an entire entry on each of them. What can I say? I'm lazy sometimes.

* People who drive under the speed limit. Especially while on the expressway. Really? If you aren't willing to go at least 55MPH stick to the roads!

* People who like to think that turn signals are optional. Especially when they are turning.

* People who over generalize. (I.E. "All men are horndogs" or "All blondes are whores" or even better "All mexicans drive a Honda civic".)

* People who put ketchup on their hotdogs.

* People who don't know the difference between their, there and they're. (Also too, to, your, you're.)

* Men who call women c*nts, make "get in the kitchen" jokes, etc. I see this a lot when i am playing video games. (And men wonder why women don't play video games? Maybe because a lot of them act like complete douchebags to us when we do?)

* People who have more than 5 sexual partners by the time they are 21. And more than 10 in a lifetime.

* Women who wear low cut shirts and get mad when people are staring at their chest instead of their face. (Because you TOTALLY wore that to NOT get attention, right?)

* Overly judgmental Christians

* Racists

* People who tan too much and look like a traffic cone

* People who make unnecessary noise when they eat. This includes slurping soups, cereal, etc. Loud chewing, etc.

* Women who complain about not looking like a fashion model but are lucky to be free from cancer and disease. Count your blessings.

* Women who don't eat. Let's be honest. I'm from the midwest and we know how to eat here. I can't stand women who eat like birds and eat rabbit food all day. You can still eat food with flavor and be healthy and lose weight. Just don't eat 4 freaking helpings of it. There is too much good food out there for me not to eat it. Sorry. I'll take a chicken taco over a nasty protein drink any day. I am of the idea that dieting doesn't work. After so long of being deprived you fall off the wagon hard. Just be smart about what you eat people. There is nothing in the world that in the right amount, you can't have. Enjoy life! It's too short not to!

* And along these lines, skinny girls who call themselves fat. GTFO.

* Men who think it's their mission in life to sleep with as many women as possible.

*Ungrateful children

*Certain religions such as strict Catholics and Mormons. I read and hear a lot about what their religion is based on and I think...Really? People believe this crap? Well heck, sign me up and mark me as a prophet! I bet I can get a group of people to believe me too!

*Unfit parents

* New York, New Jersey and Boston accents. I'd rather go to a Rebecca Black concert every day for a year than listen to those people talk.

* People who are constantly on their phones. Especially at the dinner table.

* Mitt Romney

I am sure there are many more I could add to this list but this is all I could come up with off the top of my head. Sure does feel good to get it off my chest though.

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